Nusa Penida Ecological

Since April 2018, the Wisnu Foundation has collaborated with the Global Environment Facility for Small Grants Program (GEF-SGP) and UNDP, conducting programs on Increasing Socio-Cultural and Ecological Resilience of Communities in Facing Globalization Pressure on the Small Island – Nusa Penida. The program has a span of 2 years (2018 – 2020) in 4 regions in Indonesia: Nusa Penida – Bali by Wisnu Foundation, Semau Island – NTT by Pikul Association, Wakatobi by Forkani and Gorontalo – North Sulawesi by Japesda. The main target in the implementation of the program to address the problem of climate change based on the 1992 Rio Earth Summit through the essence of sustainable programs: “thinking globally acting locally”.

The Wisnu Foundation does not work alone in carrying out activities in the community, as a host organization, the Wisnu Foundation works with local partners both Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Community Groups who have the capacity to develop programs and have expertise in their fields.

At present the implementing organizations / groups involved in Nusa Penida are:

  1. PPLH Bali
  2. Kalimajari Foundation
  3. Idep Foundation
  4. Djamur Community
  5. Taksu Tridatu Foundation
  6. Wisanggeni Foundation
  7. Village Economic and Ecotourism Network (JED)
  8. ST Eka Wana Kelapa Youth Group
  9. Pijer Muntig Group
  10. Tenun Cepuk Alam Mesari group
  11. Semaya Seaweed Group
  12. I ni Timpal Kopi

Program achievement objectives is To improve and maintain the socio-ecological resilience of one forest landscape and three coastal landscapes through community-based initiatives in Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, and Bali, Indonesia.

With outcomes based on objectives are:

  1. There is a structure and network of community-based institutional management in one stretch of forest area and three stretches of coastal area for participatory and effective decision making mechanisms in order to achieve landscape resilience.
  2. Ecosystem services in landscape targets have increased through multi-functional land use systems.
  3. Sustainability of production systems in landscape targets is strengthened through integrated agro-ecological practices.
  4. Community livelihoods in landscape targets are enhanced by developing environmentally friendly small scale community businesses and increasing market access.
  5. Integrated community-based low emission system.
  6. Increased adoption (or development, demonstration and financing) of renewable and energy-saving technologies and mitigation options at the community level.

Multistakeholder works with large performance targets requires an appropriate implementation strategy and the involvement of many parties to jointly realize resilience in Nusa Penida.

See the video link here: The Movement for Change in Nusa Penida

Project Duration: April 2018 – April 2020

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