Air Perabu is an acronym of Air Kuning, Perancak, and Budeng villages in Negara sub-district, Jembrana regency. These three villages agreed to run the Development Model of Climate Change Adaptive Ecologic Village Program (Delta Api) through the Community Resource Management in Coastal Areas. This program is aimed to save the highly important coastal ecosystem to support local economic community, through an integrated policy of village development.
Together with young people of Delta Api, facilitated by The Samdhana Institute, the community of the three villages conducted spatial and socio-cultural mapping after attending village participatory mapping training. These activities were held in March – August 2014.
Based on the output map, the communities then compiled a village strategic plan and the main plan of coastal area development. However, though in this stage only two villages still have commitment to reach their dreams, those are Perancak and Budeng (Perabu) villages, they were able to explain and provide the map and document of their strategic plan to the Government of Jembrana Regency. The formulation of strategic plan in these two villages was held during September – December 2015.