Profile Category: Board of Trustee

Home / Board of Trustee
I Made Sujana

I Made Sujana

Founders of the Ecotourism Village Network, Mr Sujana been part of Wisnu's network since 1999 and he's willing to contribute his time for Wisnu's.

I Nyoman Sadra

I Nyoman Sadra

Founders of the Ecotourism Village Network on 2002, been working together with Wisnu's since 1999 until now.

I Made Suarnatha

I Made Suarnatha

An expert facilitator and consultant in community resource management, involved in several national and international professional organisations.

I Made Japa

I Made Japa

As a farmer and experience in mapping and community organising.

I Ketut Sumarta

I Ketut Sumarta

Worked as a custom and culture consultant, and as the General Secretariat of Majelis Utama Desa Pakraman.