Towards Pengotan be Autonomous

Towards Pengotan be Autonomous

About 30 people gathered in Pengotan Village Office. That morning, there was a socialization of the program “to Pengotan Mandiri”, cooperation between Pengotan Village, Yayasan Wisnu, Vista Travel, and Bank Mandiri. The village head, or more popularly known as Pak Mekel, opened the event, among them saying that the attendees were the banjar klanj and the hamlet heads of Pengotan Village.

Then Mr. Derry from Bank Mandiri said that the program is part of Mandiri with Mandiri, in the sense that Bank Mandiri is working with Pengotan to build a village that will have an economic impact. The grant provided is a grant, not a loan. Based on community and village agreement, cooperation and support of all communities is required. It is expected that the benefits will be felt by the entire Pengotan community.

Broadly speaking, Pak Gede Bagi as Project Manager explains the program plan that will be implemented. That program is supported by CSR of Bank Mandiri. The objective of the program is to realize the ability and capacity of Pengotan villagers in managing their resources for the greatest interest of the villagers, in social, cultural, environmental and economic perspectives.

Activities to be performed include:

  • Developing Pengotan Village Strategic and Consensus Plans
  • Implement Village Rural Mapping, including: Human Resources, Cultural Resources, and Natural Resources
  • Develop Productive Economy Groups Based on Village Resources
  • Developing and Organizing Organizational Governance related to Productive Economic Group and in Relation to Village Organization
  • Completing Facilities and Physical Business Infrastructure Implementing the Development of Human Resources Competencies in Existing Groups, covering subjects: production, management, entrepreneurship
  • Developing Product Concepts and Prototypes that are ready to be commercialized
  • Developing Entities and Business Models for the Implementation of Existing Productive Economic Group Business Partnership
  • Developing a Marketing Kit
  • Develop a Business Plan
  • Socialization and Communication

At the end of the activity, participants have agreed that the program will be conducted, and all participants agree to support. The next meeting will be held on February 19, 2013, further socialization aimed at the wider community.

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