Enjoying the Rain in Nyambu

Enjoying the Rain in Nyambu

The DWE Nyambu mothers again held a trial of the DWE (Ecological Tourism Village) package, as part of the DWE Nyambu Development program supported by Diageo. This time with ezzyclass.id from Elizabeth International, on December 18, 2024. The incessant rain since the previous night did not dampen the enthusiasm to get to know and introduce Nyambu.

While waiting and hoping that the rain would stop, information about Nyambu was first told at the Nyambu House by Mrs. Giandra and Mrs. Sukma using existing photos. The information began by explaining the route that would be taken. Unlike the previous route during the DWE Nyambu Package Trial, because the rain was quite heavy and prolonged, making the road that would be taken muddy and difficult to pass, the trekking route that would be taken this time was the settlement route.

The points visited were the house of the wood carving artist, Bale Agung Temple, Taru Waringin Temple, Puru Duwur Temple and Batan Duren Temple, the rice field business, the rice fields in the settlement, Bale Banjar Kebayan and Bale Banjar Mundeh, the Village Office, continuing to the Rsi Temple and Puseh Village Temple – Penataran. The route from Bale Banjar Mundeh should be to the Pancoran Dewa Temple near the river bordering the neighboring village, but was not visited because the road was very slippery.

The trekking was only done after lunch made by Mrs. Komang and other mothers, with the hope that the rain would stop. However, it turned out that the rain did not stop, and we enjoyed walking in the pouring rain. One interesting thing was stopping by a stall. Additional activities outside the plan, resting while eating tipat cantok or rujak and drinking warm lime water.

Making jaje pulung-pulung (ball cake) and canang (offering) with Mrs. Anggun was done before lunch and trekking. Various forms of jaje are made according to the creativity of each participant, creating joy among participants by comparing the work produced. Likewise when making canang. Although using the same ingredients and techniques when making, the beauty of the results also varies. The type and freshness of the ingredients used also greatly affect the beauty of the canang.

There is one thing that is special compared to the previous trials. After trekking, Mrs. Saka and Mrs. Karin waited while making cocktails and mocktails. Ginger, lemongrass, lemon juice and lime are the main ingredients used. Soda water or alcohol can be chosen by participants. Even though it rains, cold drinks are still the choice because they provide freshness after walking about 2 km. Thank you to the ezzyclass.id team for introducing cocktails and mocktails in Nyambu.

In general, the trekking that was carried out was considered fun and educational. The DWE Nyambu mothers told well about every activity and place visited. What was also impressive was that all the mothers memorized the names of the guests. The input that was given was related to the Nyambu House which did not yet have lighting. Keep up the spirit!!!

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