Glorifying Mertajati Tamblingan Forest: Development of the Dalem Tamblingan Traditional Forest in Four Villages of Buleleng as a Sustainable Forest Learning Center Based on Local Knowledge
The Indigenous People of Dalem Tamblingan is currently scattered in four villages, namely Gobleg, Munduk, Gesing, and Umajero (Four Village). Based on historical records, Gobleg is the mother village of three other villages, namely Munduk, Gesing, and Umajero. Gobleg residents are believed to be descendants of Dalem Tamblingan who fled from Mount Lesung south of Tamblingan lake in the 10th century, called Indu Gobed. In line with the dispersal of residents to three other regions, the term Indu Gobed is no longer used. The highest leader of the Four Village is in the hands of Pengrajeg, the traditional leader who is believed to be a descendant of Ida Dalem Tamblingan or Ida Dalem Bahem as the ruler of I Kraman Tamblingan. So, at present the Indigenous People Dalem Tamblingan includes the community of the four villages.
The forest around Tamblingan lake, by the traditional community Dalem Tamblingan is named Alas Mertajati (Mertajati Forest), the real source of life. The forest is a catcher of water, water from this forest then flows into the agricultural lands and plantations below. The Indigenous People of Dalem Tamblingan is a community that glorifies water. Their rituals are always called piagem gama tirta. In the forest area also scattered pretenders or shrines all connected. There are 17 temples in the area.
The main targets of the program are the Indigenous people of Dalem Tamblingan, especially the guardians of the wana and jaga teleng (traditional forest guards), groups of young women and women, the young generation of Adat Dalem Tamblingan, and elementary school students. In general, the problem faced by the area and the people of Adat Dalem Tamblingan is where Adat Dalem Tamblingan (ADT) forest as a source of life is degraded, many rare trees and large trees are lost so that the forest density decreases, but there is no accurate data on this matter. The control function of the forest by the community is very weak because it is currently managed by the BKSDA (government), even though the ADT community has butter, a forest maintenance mechanism (forest guard) and a lake (teleng guard).
The program funded by DGM Indonesia has two expected outcomes with the output of this project, namely:
- The ADT community received recognition of their customary forest management rights as a social forestry scheme
- The availability of spatial data and social culture of Adat Dalem Tamblingan in the form of a database
- Availability of maps and profiles of Adat Dalem Tamblingan
- The complete requirements for the recognition of the management rights of the customary forest of Dalem Tamblingan
- The process of submitting a request for the determination of the customary forest area of Dalem Tamblingan to the Minister of LHK
- The existence of a management plan document and a text of cooperation agreement
02. Dalem Tamblingan Customary Area is ready to be developed as a tradition-based sustainable forest learning center
- A tradition-based model of sustainable forest space
- The existence of an institution managing the center of sustainable forest learning in the traditional area of Dalem Tamblingan
- An increase in knowledge and technical skills in the management of sustainable forest learning centers
- The availability of information media for the center of sustainable forest learning as a media for promotion and marketing
- Dissemination of information on the learning center of the sustainable forest of Adat Dalem Tamblingan
Duration of the program: June 2019 – September 2020